India's #1 Aviation Training Center Offers In-person Training With Capt. Farah Khan Pethe

Cabin Crew Grooming

Grooming is crucial for those who want to work as cabin crew. Your biggest asset is you. Spend time, money, and effort training, nurturing, and encouraging your most valuable asset.

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What Is Cabin Crew Grooming ?

The essence of grooming is self-improvement and the art of maintaining our cleanliness, health, and optimism. The key is to feel good on  the inside and appear nice on the outside.

  • Pearl earrings are not allowed. ...
  • Hairstyles of high top knots or low buns are not allowed.
  • Only four black bobby pins can be used.
  • Strict adherence to eyeshadow, lipstick, nail paint, and hair shade cards is expected, with no room for personal shades.

Does beauty matter in air hostess?

Looking well groomed is a part of their job and that's why they do take extra care to maintain their skin, hair, and health. In this post, we will be sharing some beauty secrets that most air hostesses follow to look glamorous all the time, and believe us, they are easy to follow!

Can Male flight attendants have crew-cuts/ beards?

"Never judge a Pilot by their Landing. You have no clue what it takes to get the aircraft down on the runway, safe & sound".

Capt. Farah Khan Pethe Founder